Englerville USA

wander through the many streets that are our life...

Location: Chicagoland, Illinois, United States

>The family. We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together. ~Erma Bombeck<

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Let's go fly a kite...

Kaylin, Grandpa and Uncle Kevin
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What's been going on

Last weekend we went over to Mom and Dad's for a little birthday celebration for Kevin. Everyone had a nice time as usual : )
Dad decided to break out the kites - seeing as the wind was something fierce that day! They had a ruff go at first, but eventually they got a kite up in the air. Kaylin had a blast running like crazy all over the place! There is a lot of room to roam there - since they have the school in the backyard.

I am trying to get pix up of this and the casserole shower, but it doesn't seem to work right now - but I'm gonna keep trying : )

Friday, May 26, 2006

Shanna and Ryan's Wedding - May 20th

My cousin Shanna and Fiance Ryan were married this past Saturday at St. Paul's Lutheran Church.
They were so lucky - the weather was BEAUTIFUL! It was in the 70's and sunny pretty much all day.
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Heather's 8th Grade Graduation

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Darned Uploader

Well, for some reason it seems like I have to type some words inbetween the photos. I keep trying to just put pictures up, and it doesn't like that very much.

Things have been going pretty well - nothing too much new around here. Just waiting for time to pass for the new baby to arrive: )
As of today, the due date is 1 week and 6 days away! So I am very excited and looking forward to meeting this baby - and so is Kaylin. I keep asking her if she thinks she is going to get a baby brother or a baby sister and she says it's a brother! I am in 100% agreement with her on this one, so we'll see! I am hoping it's a boy only because Brian and I cannot choose a girl's name that both of us can agree on whatsoever.
I had a prenatal on Wed. and the Dr. said that everything looks just wonderful and that the baby is so low, it might just fall out this time (ha! wouldn't that be cool!) He didn't exactly say it like that, but he did say that it looks like it could be soon and everything is right where it needs to be.

My cousin's wedding this past weekend was a good time had by all who attended. The ceremony was at St. Paul's on Vollmer Rd. and then the reception was at the DoubleTree Hotel in Alsip. Everything was really lovely. Shanna and Ryan looked very happy and very much in love - I am sure that they had a wonderful day too ; ) Kaylin pretty much tore up the dance floor with Syd the entire evening. Getting her to leave was almost impossible - she screamed bloody murder like we were cutting off her limbs, but she was asleep before we were even out of the parking lot!

Last night Amanda threw us a "casserole shower" (everyone who comes brings a casserole for us to freeze for when the baby arrives). It was really nice to visit with everyone - and also nice to see the fridge full of food! It's such a wonderful relief to not have to worry about what to eat when the baby is here. We had something similar when I pregnant with Kaylin and we didn't have to go grocery shopping for weeks it seemed! So we are really grateful to Amanda for doing that for us : )
I'll try and get some photos of the evening up here too.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Too sweet!

Kaylin is already loving her baby brother/sister!
I only have about 4 1/2 weeks to go...
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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Pregnant Gals

Okay - so this is a pretty bad picture, but you get the idea. Why is it that when you are pregnant, your face gets all fat and changes shape??? It's like a curse... I'm going to blame it on my wisdom teeth (uh huh, just nod your head and smile)
We are in order of due date - R to L: Marie (my cousin) is due mid October, Shanna (another cousin) due August, then me - June 8. Posted by Picasa

what's new? n o t h i n g

So the last few weeks haven't been too terribly exciting. But here's what we've been doing:

Easter was nice. We went to church at Calvary, then headed over to Grandma C's for lunch - then to my mom's. Kaylin had a blast going on Easter Egg Hunt after Easter Egg hunt! We still have LOADS of candy, we'll probably still be eating it at Christmas...

Brian's been working hard out in the front yard - although he's taken a break the last week or so, mostly due to crappy weather. So as soon as it starts feeling warm again, I am sure we'll be back to the Home Depot to pick out some fancy plantage to put out there.

I finally had to cave and go get my bottom left wisdom tooth yanked about 2 weeks ago - I wasn't able to sleep for at least a week (sometimes I got about an hour or so). I have been trying to wait until I am not nursing or pregnant, but that hasn't happened (and I don't think that will change anytime soon!). So I HAD to do it. - my mouth was killing me, and my face was getting more swollen with each passing day (not that it looks any better now...). Since I am with-child, I had to be awake for this procedure - I have never been knocked out before, but I think I may have prefered it. It wasn't that it hurt or anything like that - just the fact that a grown man was using all his strength cramming tools in my mouth will not ever be a great memory. It didn't feel too good afterwards, but from what other people have told me - I guess my experience wasn't all that bad. I am not really looking forward to having to do it again though - which I will after the baby is born (3 more are still in there...). Y U C K

That's pretty much it.

I know - I told you it's been truly exciting around here... Well, give us about a month. We'll have a lot more to talk about then : )

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Easter Princesses

Kaylin and Sydney
They are too cute!
All dressed up in their Easter finery!
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